Your Jazz Career: Dream It, Build It

What can you do with a jazz degree, how to get the most out of your college program, and what to do when you graduate to start building your jazz career.

Career Tips for Jazz Majors

Jazz majors: you're more likely to find work if you pay attention to these career tips. Even if you’re not a jazz major, however, you’re likely to find a lot of this information relevant and useful.

Portfolio Careers in Music

A high percentage of recent music school graduates - as well as professional musicians - maintain portfolio careers in music (as well as in other non-music fields).

Tips for Music Teacher Job Interviews

Are music teacher job interviews somewhere on your horizon? If so, here are 7 suggestions for what you can do now while you are still in college and have access to great resources.

Want to Become a Marching Band Director?

Think you might want to become a marching band director? Whether you’re a high school band geek or are stoked by the energetic performances you see at football games, here’s what you need to know

Entrepreneurship Training for Music Majors

Why is entrepreneurship training for music majors garnering so much attention? It’s no secret that fewer traditional jobs await even the most proficient musicians when they graduate from music school.

A Career for Pianists in Collaborative Piano

What is collaborative piano? Singers are well aware of the need for accompanists, but as a pianist, did you know there’s an entire field of study dedicated to the art of accompanying?

3 Myths about Careers in Music

Are music majors determined to have successful careers in music deluding themselves? Here are 3 myths about careers in music with some facts to help dispel them.

El Sistema: Transforming Lives through Music Education

El Sistema is a global approach using music education to transform lives and bring about social change. In El Sistema-inspired programs, children as young as age 2 and living in impoverished and sometimes dangerous situations are offered intensive music training.