Getting the Most out of Music Conferences

Consider music conferences an essential component of your training and career. They offer students as well as seasoned musicians a wealth of professional opportunities.

Tips for Music Teacher Job Interviews

Are music teacher job interviews somewhere on your horizon? If so, here are 7 suggestions for what you can do now while you are still in college and have access to great resources.

El Sistema: Transforming Lives through Music Education

El Sistema is a global approach using music education to transform lives and bring about social change. In El Sistema-inspired programs, children as young as age 2 and living in impoverished and sometimes dangerous situations are offered intensive music training.

7 Things Music Education Majors Can Do When Facing the Job Market

Prospective and current music education majors... you’ll be facing a very different job market than in the past. To be employable, you’ll be required to have a broader set of skills and be far more flexible in where and how you work. And it won’t work for you to wait until you’re ready to graduate to start looking for a job.

Teaching Music Abroad: Adventure, Culture and More

Insights from a couple who've been teaching music abroad for several years. Are you seeking a similar sense of adventure? A yearning to experience different cultures, to meet new people, and to see a different side of nature?

Music Education: A Balancing Act

Being a teacher can easily seem incompatible with being an artist. If you're considering music education as a career, here are some thoughts and tips to help you live more abundantly in both worlds.