Should I major in music? Does it make sense to spend the next four years of my life plus all that tuition to study music in college?
Music School: Is it Necessary for a Performance Career?
Do you really need to go to music school to pursue a career in music performance?
TLC for the Uh-Oh Phone Call
I'll always remember that first "uh-oh" phone call with the dreaded words, "Mom, I'm sick." It took two months into my son's freshman year at music school for me to realize the one thing I never in a million years would have thought to do: find the closest source for chicken soup.
Music Tackles Bullying
Have you ever experienced bullying as a student musician? "Stronger," the anti-bullying music video from the Time for Three trio, is based on experiences each member of the trio had while growing up.
Studying Music in THIS Economy? Heck, Yeah!
It's easy to find gloom and doom perspectives about studying music and careers in music. There's plenty of concern about the US overproducing talented and well-trained musicians in relation to the number of available jobs.
Music Major’s Job Offer – What Would You Do?
This music major's job offer created a dilemma for him. What would you do if you were offered a job in your field before you finished your degree?