Preventing injury for instrumental musicians should be high on the list of priorities for anyone planning to go to music school or who is already there.
Sight-Reading: A Necessary Skill for Music Majors
Sight-reading is an important and necessary skill for music majors. Quite often, they will be asked to learn pieces of music in a very short amount of time.
Music School Auditions: The Unforeseens
How to anticipate and prepare for the unexpected as you look ahead to auditions.
Important Tips for a Successful Audition
Having a successful audition is about more than just luck. Here are a few tips to make your audition more successful.
7 Tips for Music Scholarships
Information about looking for and receiving music scholarships for prospective music majors.
5 Ways to Survive Music School Auditions
Surviving music school auditions is like a day-long performance. Here are some hints for making it through: