What happens now if you were not accepted to music school? You do have options.
Majoring in Music and Sleep: A Paradox?
Majoring in music and sleep; can you really fit these into the same sentence? The campus culture, especially if you’re a music major, may give lip service
Dual Degrees, Double Majors, and Music Minors
Dual degrees, double majors, and music minors…What do these really mean? And what do they entail? For many high school music students, majoring in music, by itself, feels limiting.
Music Conservatories & Careers for 21st-Century Musicians
Many graduates of music conservatories find that instrumental or voice training alone is not sufficient career preparation for 21st-century musicians.
Portfolio Careers in Music
A high percentage of recent music school graduates - as well as professional musicians - maintain portfolio careers in music (as well as in other non-music fields).
How to Choose a Music Therapy Program
How to choose a music therapy education. Research music therapy colleges.
Tips for Music Teacher Job Interviews
Are music teacher job interviews somewhere on your horizon? If so, here are 7 suggestions for what you can do now while you are still in college and have access to great resources.
Preventing Injury for Instrumental Musicians
Preventing injury for instrumental musicians should be high on the list of priorities for anyone planning to go to music school or who is already there.
Sight-Reading: A Necessary Skill for Music Majors
Sight-reading is an important and necessary skill for music majors. Quite often, they will be asked to learn pieces of music in a very short amount of time.
Music School Auditions: The Unforeseens
How to anticipate and prepare for the unexpected as you look ahead to auditions.
Important Tips for a Successful Audition
Having a successful audition is about more than just luck. Here are a few tips to make your audition more successful.
7 Tips for Music Scholarships
Information about looking for and receiving music scholarships for prospective music majors.
5 Ways to Survive Music School Auditions
Surviving music school auditions is like a day-long performance. Here are some hints for making it through:
Vocal Auditions & Beyond: How to Stay Healthy
Staying healthy for vocal auditions is on the minds of every prospective voice major. Inevitably, the timing of auditions coincides with health concerns.
Want to Become a Marching Band Director?
Think you might want to become a marching band director? Whether you’re a high school band geek or are stoked by the energetic performances you see at football games, here’s what you need to know
Planning to Major in Jazz? 8 Top Considerations
Are you someone who lives and breathes jazz and can't imagine doing anything else in college? If you're wanting to major in jazz, here are 8 top considerations.
Summer Music Camps & Programs
Summer music camps/programs are highly recommended if you are considering majoring in music in college.
Majoring in Composition & Where It May Lead
Majoring in composition can open many doors to jobs, connections, and endless possibilities for creativity. Here's what you need to know.
Transfer to a Different Music School?
Not experiencing your current school as a good fit and considering whether to transfer to a different music school? Consider the following...
Studying Musical Theatre with a Music Emphasis
Musical theatre training offered through music programs instead of theatre schools and departments provides unique opportunities for students.