Summer music camps/programs are highly recommended if you are considering majoring in music in college.
Music Leadership Roles for Girls: 7 Tips for Success
Are you new to music leadership roles in your school's orchestra, band, or ensemble? Are you a girl who dreams of becoming a section leader or drum major?
Planning on Majoring in Guitar?
If you're considering majoring in guitar, understand that many young guitarists enter college with inadequate preparation, and struggle as a result.
Prepare to be a College Music Major
As you prepare to be a college music major, make the most of musical opportunities during high school. Here are some basic pieces of advice to give prospective music majors the best chance for success in college and beyond.
Music Degrees – Reviewing the Options
Choosing among several possible music degrees, considering a conservatory vs. music school vs. music department, as well as whether you'd like to graduate with a BM, BA or BS in music depends on what you want to study, which school might fit your goals best, and what you see yourself pursing after you graduate.
Discomfort and the Serious Music Student
How does a serious music student relate to constructive feedback and the discomfort that often accompanies it?
Majoring in Music: Convincing Your Parents
If you need help convincing your parents (or anyone else in your life) that majoring in music is a worthy goal, here are several suggestions to help you out:
Want to Major in Music but off to a Late Start?
It’s possible to major in music even if you’ve gotten a late start and don’t have years of training and performances under your belt.
8 Essentials Before You Major in Music
As you make a decision to major in music, you will want to have most, if not all, of the following skills and experiences under your belt by the time you apply to music schools.
Ranking Music Schools
Ranking music schools is a disservice to students who must do the important personal exploration necessary for finding the right fit school to call "home" for the next few years.
Meeting the Challenges of Music Theory
Music theory is probably the most daunting and challenging class freshmen music majors face. Meeting the challenges is easiest for students who’ve taken AP Music Theory or who’ve had strong music theory training in summer music programs or with private teachers.
What If You’re Not a Musical Prodigy?
Some students (and parents) assume that if you're not a musical prodigy, you should major in something other than music. Nothing can be farther from the truth! In fact, there are actually benefits to not being a prodigy, so long as you're someone who feels compelled to pursue music.
As a Music Major, What Can I Actually Major In?
No two music schools offer the same exact programs, nor do they name their music major areas of study the same way. You're apt to find out that, as an undergraduate, you can study what you are most interested in at some schools but not at others. You're also likely to find that some schools cluster certain music majors together and house them under a specific department.
Should I Study Music in College?
Should I major in music? Does it make sense to spend the next four years of my life plus all that tuition to study music in college?
What! More Practicing? Key Questions
How much practicing do music majors actually do? Where and when do they practice? How do they juggle a rigorous practice schedule