If you’re a high school junior or senior planning to study guitar in college, preparing your guitar audition is probably in the forefront of your mind. Almost every university or college school of music will require you to audition, for either acceptance or scholarships or both.
Music School Auditions: It’s a Matter of Balance
3 Things to Consider Before Starting Music School Applications
Majoring in music is not for everyone. Even the application process is a bigger time commitment than your friends planning to major in other areas will experience. Here are three things to consider before applying along with tips for now that will help you in December. And in February, when you are still applying to schools!
Which Music School Fits You?
Choosing a music school - finding a music school that fits your skills and goals.
Applying and Auditioning to Music School:
Making Sense of It All
This article is designed to clarify and simplify various aspects of applying and auditioning to music school, an often daunting component of majoring in music.
Music School Auditions: This Too Shall Pass
Classes are back in session at most high schools around the country. For seniors whose plans require an audition for music school, those auditions are just around the corner. This is the beginning of the next phase in the wild and wacky world of applying to music school, and not the easiest of times for students OR their parents.
Tracking Your Music School Applications and Auditions
Keeping track of music school applications and auditions is tedious and time-consuming, and can make your head swirl (to put it mildly).