We’ve worked hard to compile this list from many sources since we know scholarships for music majors are difficult to find. The list is updated with new opportunities and new deadlines as quickly as we can get the information, so visit often.
When you apply for music scholarships –
1. Check scholarship deadlines carefully. Make sure your application arrives before the deadline.
2. Be sure to include all of the information requested. You will be considered based on the thoroughness of your application.
3. Note that while some of these are small scholarships, several small scholarships can add up to a significant chunk of tuition costs.
Independent Music Scholarships
Against the Grain
Several scholarships for students who are at least 25% Asian and/or Pacific Islander ethnicity. Application deadline: May 31
American Association of University Women
Fellowships and grants for graduate school non-U.S. citizens and non-permanent residents. Must have equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree to apply. Application deadline: November.
American Indian College Fund
Scholarships for enrolled members of federal or state recognized tribes or descendants of at least one grandparent or parent who is an enrolled tribal member or Native Corporation member (AK). Application deadline: May 31
American Legion Legacy Scholarships
Scholarships for offspring of U.S. military members. Several options. Application deadline: March 1
ASCAP Foundation Scholarships
Several scholarships available in many areas of music. Check with the financial aid office at your school to see if a scholarship is available and if you are eligible. Application deadlines vary by program
Associated Male Choruses of America
Annual scholarships for music majors enrolled in undergraduate college-level music programs. Voice/choral majors preferred. Application deadline: March 1
Blackburn 2025 Biennial Composition Competition
$1000 grand prize for a composition by a female student composer (enrolled in an accredited college, university or graduate music program). Application deadline: April 30 2025
BMI Foundation Scholarships
Several scholarships available in several areas of music including film/tv/video game composing; classical composing; songwriting in several genres. Application deadlines vary by program.
Boettcher Foundation Scholarships
For Colorado high school seniors nominated for excellence in academics, leadership, and community service. Includes tuition, room, board, stipend to be used at colleges in Colorado. DACA and Colorado ASSET applicants will be considered. Application deadline: November 1 of senior year
Byron Cameron Education Foundation Scholarship
Merit-based scholarships for high-achieving high school seniors with active participation in community or civic service and who are planning to enroll in a four-year college or university. Application deadline: Early applicants (by mid-May) have a better chance. Final deadline is mid-September
Chopin Foundation of the U.S.
Gives up to ten renewable scholarships of $1000 each to pianists age 14 – 17. Application deadline: May 15
Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation
Scholarships for high school seniors. Application deadline: October 1
Cooper International Competition
Alternating years feature a competition for violinists and a competition for pianists. Prizes up to $20,000 plus tuition scholarships to Oberlin Conservatory for top finalists. Application Deadline: April
Davidson Fellows
Scholarships are awarded to “extraordinary young people, 18 and under, who have completed a significant piece of work” in several areas including music. Application deadline: February
Dell Scholars Program
For grades 11 & 12, need-based, not specifically for music students. Application deadline: December 1
Evalee C. Schwarz Charitable Trust for Education
Interest-free loans for students who demonstrate high academic performance and financial need. Application deadline: early April
Generic scholarships for high school, college, grad school and returning students. Categories include ethnicities, LGBTQ, veterans and many others. Application deadlines vary by program.
Fund for Education Abroad (FEA)
Financial support for study abroad for a semester or a full year, for currently enrolled undergraduates. Application deadline: First week of February
Gates Scholarship
Full college tuition for Pell-eligible, high-achieving minority high school seniors. Application deadline: September
GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarships
$10,000 scholarships for college for high school seniors who demonstrate excellence in academics and leadership. Application deadline: Early January
Gilman Scholarship Program
Financial support for study abroad for undergraduate U.S. citizens receiving Federal Pell Grant funding. Application deadlines: March
Glenn Miller Birthplace Society Scholarship Program
Voice and instrumental scholarships. Application deadline: May
Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes
Must be nominated by an adult who has solid knowledge of your “heroic activities.” Ideal for someone who’s made a difference through music. Application deadline: April
Great Value Colleges
Annual $5,000 scholarship offered 2X/year to black undergraduate or graduate students accepted to or currently majoring OR minoring in music. GPA must be 3.0 or higher, essay or video required. Application deadline: July 30 and November 30
Horatio Alger Association
Various scholarships awarded to high school juniors who plan to pursue a bachelor’s or AA degree. Criteria include critical financial need involvement in co-curricular and community service activities, U.S. citizen, and minimum GPA of 2.0. Application deadline: Undergraduates – March; Graduate students – November
House of Blues Music Forward Foundation
Several different types of $10,000 scholarships for college undergraduates pursuing Music Industry careers. Application deadline: March 31
Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award – From the Top Scholarship
Young musicians (ages 8-18) are selected for the Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award. Applicants must be pre-collegiate classical musicians ages 8-18 who demonstrate a high level of musical achievement and financial need. Application deadline: April for priority review or November
JEN – Jazz Education Network
JEN offers several scholarships for members. Application deadline: April 15
John Lennon Scholarships
Student songwriters, ages 17 through 24 and enrolled in a U.S. college. Application deadline: January 15
Loan Forgiveness Programs
This program discharges any remaining debt on federal student loans after 10 years of full-time employment in public service and 120 payments.
Loren L. Zachary Society National Vocal Competition
For opera singers, ages 21-35, preparing for a professional career in opera. Audition deadlines: January (NY), February (LA).
Mario Lanza Institute Scholarship
Vocal scholarships for talented, aspiring singers ages 21 – 28, with a vocal/music study background. Application deadline: September
Mark Zinger Memorial Foundation Violin Scholarship
Scholarships for violinists of all nationalities between ages 17-23 who are pursuing an undergraduate degree in music (or a double major with music) at an accredited university, college or conservatory in the U.S. Application deadline: January
Music Business Association (Music Biz)
$5,000 scholarships for undergraduate & graduate students planning a music business career at schools that are members of Music Biz . Also for high school seniors applying to one of these schools. Application deadline: April
National Federation of Music Clubs
Various scholarships for current college music majors (instrumental, vocal, music therapy, music education), summer arts programs, music education/outreach projects, festival attendance for college as well as high school students. Application deadline: varies by program
North Valley Music School Scholarships
Two renewable $500 scholarships for American Indian music students from Montana who attend or plan to attend a college music program. Deadline: March
Paul and Daisy Soros Foundation Scholarships for New Americans
Grad school fellowships offered annually to immigrants and children of immigrants. Up to $90,000 for up to two years. Applications open in spring and deadlines in October
PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation
Annual scholarships for full-time college undergraduates of Hellenic descent and based on academic achievement, financial need, or leadership. Application deadline: January
peermusic Latin Scholarship
For songwriters and composers of Latin music who are current students at colleges and universities located in the United States and Puerto Rico. Applicants must be between the ages of 17 and 24. All words and music must be original. Application deadline: January
PFLAG Scholarship Program
Graduating seniors entering college who identify within the LGBTQ spectrum or as an ally. Application deadlines: vary by state.
Percussive Arts Society
Scholarships and grants for student percussionists who are current members of the Percussive Arts Society (PAS). Applications deadline: July
Point Foundation LGBTQ Scholarship Fund
Community college scholarships, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degree scholarships.
Deadline: Varies by scholarship
Posse Arts Program Scholarship
Schools and communities as well as music students themselves in these areas – Atlanta, Bay Area, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Houston, Dallas, D.C., Denver, LA, Memphis, Miami, Newark, NYC, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Phoenix and Puerto Rico – can nominate rising h.s. seniors for full-tuition Posse Arts Scholarships to Posse partner colleges. Deadline: Check with Posse.
Pride Foundation
For LGBTQ+ or questioning and residing in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, or Washington Application deadline: early January
Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Essay Contest
High school seniors who are legal residents of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee or Texas. Requires written or video essay about an individual who inspires and motivates you. Application deadlines: March, June, September, and December
Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
Various scholarships offered to challenged learners. Application deadline: varies by scholarship, typically Jan-March
Sphinx Competition
Open to current U.S. residents who are Black or Latino and play the Violin, Viola, Cello or Double Bass. Cash scholarships, summer program scholarships and college/conservatory scholarships. Application deadline: October
Strauss Foundation
$15,000 annual awards for 10-15 California college sophomores or juniors who undertake a high-impact project in public service or social change in their junior or senior year.
Application deadline: February but date varies by school
Sweet Adelines
Grants and scholarships for women with at least one semester of university coursework and involved in a barbershop or Sweet Adelines chorus. Deadline: Opens mid-November, closes mid-January.
The James and Virginia M. Smyth Scholarship Fund
For applicants from Missouri, Mississippi, Georgia, Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas and Tennessee. 4-year renewable scholarships. Application deadline: Varies by program, January-March
The Music Center’s Spotlight Program
Cash scholarships and artistic development training for high school students in Southern California in these categories of music: classical and contemporary voice and classical and contemporary instrumental (including jazz, pop and rock). Application deadline: October
Tuesday Musical Club of Pittsburgh
Bi-annual scholarships for high school and college music majors whose permanent residence is within 100 miles of Pittsburgh. Application deadline: March
U.S. Bank Scholarship Program
Not specific to music. Available to high school seniors and college undergraduates. Winners selected at random. Eligibility: high school senior planning to enroll in or a current undergraduate college student at an eligible two- or four-year college or university. U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien. Application deadline: October
Vandoren Emerging Artist Competition (VEA)Classical clarinet, saxophone and jazz categories for U.S. musicians ages 18-23. Application deadline: December
VSA International Young Soloists Program
The VSA (international Organization on Arts and Disability) International Young Soloists Award is given annually to young musicians with disabilities ages 14-25. Ensembles with at least one member with a disability are also eligible. Application deadline: January
Wilshire-Quinn Musical Arts Scholarship
One $10,000 scholarship for full-time college-level music major or minor, ages 17-24. Application deadline: May
Women Band Directors International
Women Band Directors International (WBDI) offers scholarships to female college students majoring in music education with the intention of becoming band directors. Applications open Fall.
Monetary awards to promising high school students in all of the performing and visual arts plus writing. U.S. Presidential Scholars in the Arts are chosen from YoungArts Finalists. Application deadline: October
Young Artist Competition for Bassoon and Oboe
Two competitions sponsored by the International Double Reed Society. Competitions alternate annually between oboe and bassoon. Must be a member of the International Double Reed Society. Application deadline: March
NOTE: MajoringInMusic.com does not endorse any of the scholarship or financial aid sites listed, nor can we confirm the accuracy of information provided by these sites.
Photo Credit: Kellie Smith for LYNX Camps at (CU Denver)
Graduating high school with 3.5 and 34 on ACT. Interested in audio production. What colleges give merit based money and have a good audio production program?
Schools consider you for merit-based awards when you apply, based on the strength of your audition/portfolio. Your ACT score may set you up for consideration for academic merit awards as well, which schools also consider you for when you apply. They may also take into consideration your extracurricular activities and leadership experience when they consider you for these awards.
Make sure you look at the classes you’d be taking at each school you’re interested in learning more about. As for which schools to apply to, we suggest you use the “Find Schools That Fit Your Interests” section of the homepage of MajoringInMusic.com to learn more about the schools we work with that offer production programs. You can also use the form on each of these schools’ pages if you have questions not answered on their websites. There are, of course, many other schools out there that offer this major.
Hello, I am a Junior in high school, and participating in four choirs. One of the choirs is the top auditioned curricular choir at my school. I also am a mentor singer in the freshman men’s choir. The remaining two are extra curricular choirs.(One of those being a barbershop quartet, and the other being an advanced jazz ensemble.) I plan to be a major in music education, and I am having a hard time looking for scholarships.
Every school we know of offers merit awards (those based on your proficiency and audition) when you apply. Be sure to follow their directions especially in terms of deadlines. Typically there is no separate application for these types of awards.
Also check out the appropriate scholarships on our website. And be sure to fill out the FAFSA! When you’re a senior, apply for FAFSA early (applications open in October). Need-based scholarships, both government and school-based, are offered based on FAFSA. FAFSA applications need to be filled out before each year you’re in college.
Hello – my daughter is a senior and interested in Music Therapy as a career. She’s a several-octave soprano in a Vocal program at a magnet high school. She’s interested in the programs at Berklee, U of Miami and Temple U. Are there scholarships she should be pursuing? I have found very few that she could apply for because of the specificity of the scholarship. Any help is greatly appreciated – thank you!
Outside of FAFSA and other need-based scholarships, the schools themselves typically offer their own merit scholarships. Most of the time students don’t have to apply for these merit awards separately – the students are considered based on academic and/or audition proficiency. But check each school carefully. Berklee and Temple are both participating schools on MajoringInMusic.com so you can use the forms on their pages to send inquiries to these schools if you don’t see the information you need right on their websites.
Check the scholarships section of the American Music Therapy Association – while most are for current music therapy students, this MT Intern Scholarship is worth knowing about: Also check the Scholarships section of MajoringInMusic.com for other non-music therapy scholarships.
I am an oboe player and want to know if I pursue a career of oboe playing or music, what majors will I need? And will being a strong oboe player benefit me in a school? I’m wondering what majors provide good job choices.
Your decision as to what to major in has a lot to do with what you’re interested in doing after you graduate. If you are unsure, a BA in music provides you with more elective credits and the time in your schedule to explore options beside performance. A liberal arts college will also provide that opportunity. Starting at a community college is another option but be sure to read our article, “Community College for Music Students: Guidelines for Making It Work.” Also read our article “What Can You Do with a Music Degree?” and the articles linked from that one. You’ll get lots of new ideas.
My daughter is a junior in HS, high gpa and a decent SAT. She is a gifted vocalist with many accomplishments and could kill an audition, but she is not sure she wants to major in music. She may want to double major with science or minor in music. She needs as much money as possible. What are the best schools for her to apply to?
Double majoring is a great option for students who are ready for the amount of work it requires. If your daughter has any interest in possibly majoring in music, it would be wise for her to prepare to audition and go ahead and audition at schools she’s interested in attending.
We suggest your daughter and you read these articles:
As for which schools to apply to, there are so many factors that go into making that decision that it would be inappropriate for us to make recommendations based on the minimal information provided below. We do offer fee-based consulting for these kinds of questions and decisions and can follow up with information if you’re interested.
Note that many schools offer merit assistance based on the audition; some offer merit assistance based on GPA; some offer assistance to those who became merit scholars based on their PSATs. Every school is different. All students are encouraged to fill out the FAFSA forms. You can learn more about all of this on the page you wrote in from – https://majoringinmusic.com/scholarships-for-music-majors/.
Olivia W.
Hi! I’ve been playing the piano since I was 5 . I’ve played classical piano and have been also playing for services at church every weekend. I’ve usually had really good grades until I got into highschool. I’ve been working on my GPA (its improving) ever since and I just want to know how big of a factor does GPA play when applying for musical scholarships?
As a rule of thumb, remembering that every school is different: Auditions determine most merit- related music scholarships; a high GPA can lead to a merit scholarship from a university within which a music school resides; and GPA will be especially important for getting in to many liberal arts colleges.
I am a Junior in High School. I have a high GPA (not a 4.0) and I live in a small town In Illinois. I want to Major in Music Education and I love the performing arts. I am looking for as many scholarships as I possibly can. Anything weird is OK, as long I don’t have to pay for college (or pay as little as I possibly can). I need help.
When you apply to music schools, they will consider you for scholarships. Your audition will have a lot to do with what they offer, so spend as much time as you can in preparing well for your audition. Summer music programs will help boost your proficiency – check out those on our 2016 Summer Music Camps & Programs page.
There are good tips for seeking scholarships in the links on the right side right up top on the Scholarships page you wrote in from. Be sure to read the FAFSA information carefully. Also look at each of the scholarships listed to see whether you qualify for any of these. And look at the comments as well on this page – you may glean some useful information by doing so.
As a music minor, you will gain skills and knowledge in music theory, aural skills, and music history that will further your understanding of music and, depending on the school, your performance chops. We hope that private lessons and performing in an ensemble will be included in your program. See our article on Transferable Skills to see how what you learn as a music minor can be applied to other fields. What you actually do career-wise with a music minor is entirely up to you. But it’s likely that it will inform and enrich whatever you do.
I am so much interested in music, with a basic knowledge of writing and reading both sol-fa and staff notation, a vocalist and trainer of choirs in sacred songs and with some little knowledge in piano playing. I have a desire to advance in music but financial constraints have been the challenge. kindly advise. Thank you.
If you’re a strong enough applicant based on your audition, you’ll be considered for some merit scholarship assistance at schools in the U.S. where you apply. It sounds like you may need to boost your proficiency, based on what you wrote, in order for this to happen. Note that schools outside the U.S. tend to be far less expensive – you can see a few of them on our website under “International” schools. You’ll need to be strong on your instrument/voice in order to be considered for admission. There are several good articles on this page that will provide more information, whether or not you’re a U.S. citizen.
My son is planning to pursue a music production degree. He is a trained pianist, but composes original music utilizing Maschine and various software. Are there any scholarships specific to these areas of interest? He also may be interested in film and television score production.
We suggest that he visit and explore the website of the American Musicological Society. He may also want to consider attending their annual conference to network and learn more about the musicology profession.
My son will be graduating with a degree in music performance, he plays the tuba. He is applying for grad school, any scholarships for tuba players?
The music schools that accept your son will offer scholarships if he’s a strong tuba player who they’re eager to have at their schools. We also encourage you to read each entry on the Scholarships page and click on any that sound relevant. Also check out the articles linked on the right side of the article.
My daughter is graduating from high school June 2016 and majoring in music therapy as an undergrad in September. Are there any scholarships we should be looking at? The AMTA scholarships look like they are for current undergrads, not entering students.
Thank you,
When students apply and then audition, most music schools will automatically consider them for a scholarship. Check the scholarship information for any school your daughter has applied to, to see if there are any additional forms, applications etc. that are required to be considered for a scholarship. A really outstanding audition may lead to a merit scholarship, while need-based scholarships are based on family income, etc.
If your daughter has a particular music strength (for example, as a vocalist or as an instrumentalist), look for any relevant scholarships on our scholarships list. And read the articles on that page for other suggestions.
I’m a high school senior planning to major in vocal music education. I have a high GPA, ACT score and class rank. I generally do not qualify to receive need-based aid; however, I’m paying for my tuition, not my parents. I need as many scholarships as I can get. Are there any scholarships that it sounds like I could qualify for? I looked through this page, but I didn’t find any. And if not, do you have any other advice for what I should do?
If your audition is really strong, the schools you apply to may offer you scholarships. That’s your best option. Your high GPA and class rank may be helpful as well. You might consider applying for FAFSA aid but unless you are financially independent from your parents (i.e., they don’t claim you on their tax returns), it sounds from what you say that you are not likely to receive much or even any support from FAFSA. Are you a member of your school’s Tri-M chapter? If so, check on any scholarships they offer. Also check out Sigma Alpha Iota – you can find them on our scholarships page. Their scholarships are for current undergraduates. Look at other information on our scholarships page under “Paying for Music School.” Let us know what else you discover on your own and how it goes for you.
I’m a freshman at a small college in Kansas. Are there any percussion scholarships available for music majors?
Did you look at the Percussive Arts Society and Zildjian scholarships listed here?
I am from West Virginia, but circumstances cause me to want to go to a Music oriented college in Atlanta. I wish to major in Music education and become a band director for a highschool. Do you have any scholarships that could work for me?
Based on your audition, schools will determine whether they want to offer you a scholarship. They will also take into consideration your financial circumstances, so be sure to file your FAFSA forms on time. Look over the list of scholarships on this page and see if any fit your musical talents and plans. Also read the various articles linked on this page that talk about scholarships and financial aid.
I am a Sophomore in high school and I produce electronic music varying from big room house to Glitch hop. I am wondering what scholarship would apply to me involving electronic music and sound design. I am hoping to study and major in sound design or audio engineering.
How cool to be thinking of this already! Know that music schools offer scholarships based on financial need and sometimes academic merit. So continue to gain experience and skills that will impress schools when it comes time to apply in your senior year. In the meantime, read the details on all of the scholarships on this page to see if any might fit. Also read the FAFSA and linked articles on the right side of the page to learn about other opportunities. And find summer music programs to further enhance your skills and make yourself known to schools you may be interested in applying to – our updated list will be posted beginning in December.
I’m a sophomore hoping to apply to several music schools, but I am unsure of what instrument to major in. I’m good enough to major in piano and voice, and I have a lot of experience in both fields. I feel as if I am a more capable vocalist, but my teachers have advised me that there is generally less competition in the field of piano performance. I’m pretty qualified to double major if I’d like; but I’m not sure if that’s a wise idea either. Should I choose between my two instruments, or should I major in both?
Vocal auditions are very different from piano auditions, so check the audition requirements at schools you’re interested in to see what they’re looking for. (Also check their requirements for double majors.) You’ll be expected to major on the instrument you audition on, so take the next few years to really focus on your passion and on increasing your skill level on both voice and piano. Consider taking a summer program in either instrument, where you’ll be able to also focus somewhat on the non-dominant instrument. Also look at what you want to do once you graduate from college as a way of helping you think about where to put your focus.
I am a high school sophomore and I want to start learning about and applying for scholarships early. I have been singing since I was a kid, and went to the music competition in my state for it. I have been wondering if there are any scholarships for me to get this early that could add up to a full- tuition scholarship, because my family doesn’t have enough to send me to college
Music schools offer scholarships to seniors who apply, based on their auditions. So you have a few years to go before you’re in a position for this to happen. Most of the scholarships on this page of MajoringInMusic.com are also for high school seniors or college students.
We suggest you focus on increasing your proficiency on your major instrument (sounds like voice) so that you’ll be in a good position to be competitive for scholarships when you’re a senior. One way to do that is to apply for summer music programs where you can really focus on your musicianship and bring your skills to the next level. Many of those programs offer scholarships for students who apply early enough. We will be starting to post the 2016 Summer Music Programs page in December, so keep returning to MajoringInMusic.com to see what’s possible.
I am an aspiring singer who’s sung in church since I was young and has been singing every year in my high school choir. I have been teaching myself how to play guitar and piano but I can’t make much progress without a teacher and my family isn’t financially well enough to afford one. Is it possible to major in piano or guitar as well as singing with my level of experience?
If you are considering majoring in music, then you will need to be proficient enough to audition. We suggest you contact a local community music school to inquire about private lessons – they often offer scholarships. We also suggest you contact a local community college to see if they can be of assistance.
I am a drum-set player going into my senior year of high school and I’m very serious about my musical future. I plan on attending a New York music school (there are so many) for preforming arts. Those schools are expensive and I have been gathering different small scholarships, but they’re hard to come by. I need help finding some scholarships that require preforming ability above other things. Thanks!
When you apply and audition, you will be considered for scholarships each school offers. We hope you are also already learning what you need to know about FAFSA.
Hi! I play the harp and am wondering if there are any scholarships available for the harp in particular. Thank you!
Look at all the listings that apply to your interests and year in school on this page – those that you’d be able to apply for may not be specifically for harp students. Check harp instrument companies, and American Harp Society and Foundation. Note that schools will offer scholarships upon audition.
I am a sophomore at Envision Academy of Arts and Technology. I have been singing since I was 2yrs old and I wanted to know if there is anything I could do to be a songwriter as well as learn to play acoustic guitar. I would like to know if I could still major in singing also if I could get help in scholarships or tuition fees.
Look at our Popular music articles for some of the schools offering songwriting. You have to apply, audition, and get accepted to be considered for scholarships offered by the schools themselves.
Hello, my child is in 9th grade and has an interest in being a songwriter. She states she is interested in Berklee College of Music. What are some of the things she should be doing to prepare for college. She is in performance arts classes and sings in the church choir, she also plays the piano and has some interest in playing the guitar. What are some of the areas of study she should look at? What are some of the colleges that offer programs in regard to her interests? Are their any scholarships/internships/camps she can apply for that will nurture her gifts?
We suggest you and your daughter read this article: Prepare to be a College Music Major. (Just click on the link.) We also suggest she look at our Summer Music Camps & Programs – there are several programs in songwriting. We also have several articles you and your daughter will find useful, under the category “Popular Music.” You’ll see participating schools on MajoringInMusic.com that offer these programs linked right on these articles.
* Note that we do offer consulting services if you are interested in working directly with us.
https://www.berklee.edu/paying-for-your-education/scholarships <— this may help. I'm also looking into Berklee.
Hi I’m a 26 year old, Bolivian drummer, been playing for over fifteen years and studied music over 7 years, and I just got accepted into Berklee College of Music and even got a scholarship for performing and composing. I plan to go to Berklee because It has been a dream since I’m 15 years old. Unfortunately even with the scholarship me and my family cannot pay tuition which is almost 40000 and, as I’ve been told, getting an F-1 visa may not let me work outside Berklee in order to cover for these costs. Is there a scholarship or any kind of help outside Berklee itself? Please reply, time is running out…
We receive many requests like yours for scholarship help to attend Berklee College of Music. We suggest you contact Berklee again to see what suggestions they have to help you find additional financial resources to allow you to attend their school. We also suggest you contact any community organizations where you live that might be in a position to assist you in any way, possibly in exchange for coming back and performing for them sometime in the future. We know of some students who have created fundraisers to help pay for school, sometimes even to get to school (there are several articles on MajoringInMusic.com about this) and we suggest you look at that option as well. We recognize how difficult this is for you and for others who are passionate about advancing their music, and we hope you’ll find ways to make it work for yourself. Let us know how it turns out for you.
Hello, I am a high school senior and I want to major in Music Business/Industry. What would be the best scholarship for that major?
When you apply to music schools, the schools themselves will consider you for scholarships. But also look at the list on this page to see if any of these fit for you. And be sure to check out the opportunities NAMM offers college students to attend their January conference in Anaheim, California once you are already enrolled in school.
Hello, I’m currently in my last year of school at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, a vocal performance major. I have looked at the vocal scholarships on this page that I’m eligible for, but I was wondering if you have any other suggestions on how to gain resources. I am currently looking into going to grad school next fall, 2016, but my undergraduate schooling has literally drained me and my family of all funds and put us (me) into a lot of debt. Is there a way to get a sponsor or patron? Do any companies give funds to the arts? Other than Curtis, are there any other music schools that give excellent scholarships, fellowships, or are known for giving full (or bigger) scholarships for graduate studies? They can be US or International. I have done quite a bit of research on this, but I am starting to feel hopeless. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
We suggest you do a few things: First, check with the career office at your school. What can they tell you about assistantships, fellowships, and other aid you may qualify for that’s offered by graduate music programs? Next, check the websites and then, if needed, make direct contact with grad schools you’re interested in attending. What kind of aid do they provide for graduate students? If any of the schools on MajoringInMusic.com are on your list of possibilities, click on their graduate programs and look for their financial assistance/assistantships links to learn more. Then use the forms on their participating school pages to ask the schools any additional questions.
I’m a high school sophmore, play clarinet, take private lessons, and I’m in my school’s band and the El Paso Texas Youth Orchestra. I have made all state two years (freshman, sophmore). My dream is to go to the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY. but it is very expensive and I have no idea how I’m going to pay, and I don’t want to be in debt. How can I pay for Eastman if I was to be admitted?
We suggest you attend a relevant summer music program at any school you may be interested in attending. There’s much to be gained by being on campus, learning from the faculty (they’ll get to know you, too), and getting a sense of whether a school you’ve had interest in is really a good fit for you. Note that many summer programs do offer scholarships on a need basis. See our list of Summer Music Camps & Programs – new ones are being added every day. As you get closer to applying to schools, you’ll want to learn about FAFSA and about scholarships that schools offer to students they accept, based on need and merit. You may also want to look at the pros and cons of starting music school at a community college. Read this article for important information about starting at community college and what you need to do to have credits transfer.
Hello I’m 17. I’m still in high school (sophomore). I know that I don’t have anything for college. I know that I want to have a major in music. Is there any type of scholarship that help get better at playing an instrument.
The best thing you can do to qualify for scholarships is to start preparing now for the auditions that are going to help you to be taken seriously when you’re a senior. Take lessons, practice, join the school ensemble, choir, or orchestra, perform wherever you can, go to concerts and listen to lots of music. Read articles on MajoringInMusic.com to learn more. Here’s a good article to help you get started: Prepare to be a College Music Major.
Hello , my name is stephanie . I am from California , where all the dreams come true . Unfortunately I am a broke 18 year old who only wants to major in music (vocals,producing,recording) . I have no type of college background. I am being forced to go to a community college by my parents , although they do not see that music is my passion. Community colleges near me do not have degrees in music nor have majors in music. I know that with a scholarship I would not have to worry about any of those problems. All I have is my voice .
Actually, some of the community colleges in California have very good 2-year music programs that also connect well (“articulate”) with 4-year music schools especially in California. You’d get the background you’d need plus a better chance at a scholarship. Some of the CC we’re familiar with include Pasadena City College, Santa Monica City College, and LA City College. Read this article about starting out at community college: Community College for Music Students: Guidelines for Making It Work.
Then look closely at the music programs of schools you’re interested in and contact them directly once you’ve done so. Tell them we referred you! And remember to check FAFSA as soon as possible, for need-based aid.
My 16 year old is a talented violinist and plays several other instruments including the alto sax. He would like to attend college and major in music engineering and peformance. He is active with several orchestra programs and honors orchestra. However, he attends a home school program. Most scholarships are geared towards traditional high school stutdents. Do you know of a college and scholarship program that is friendly towards home schoolers for music majors? Thanks for all you do!
If you belong to a home school association, we suggest you ask them about scholarships for home schooled students. Also, you can ask the orchestra programs you son attends. Music schools offer their own scholarships to students based on auditions and sometimes academic performance.
I am entering my Senior year of high school. I am looking at Christian colleges/universities offering degrees in Music Business. I am working to become a Christian Music Artist. I’m having trouble finding scholarship opportunities in Christian music studies. Any suggestions? Thank you
You’ll need to apply and be accepted before schools will look at you as a scholarship candidate. Check the list of 120 CCCU schools. Note that as a student at one of those schools, you can apply to take a semester in the business track through the Contemporary Music Program in Nashville. We assume you’re already looking into FAFSA…and that you’re talking with your own church for any other leads on scholarships.
Hi, my name is Bethany. I am a 16 year old in Rhode Island finishing up my junior year of high school. I have wanted to go to college and pursue music therapy as my career since middle school. It hsan’t changed,and I was wondering if there are any internships/volunteer positions in New England and/or scholarship opportunities? It’s incredibly hard to find anything and even scholarships are only for freshman and above in college, not high school seniors/juniors. My primary in music therapy will be voice, but I also play the flute, saxophone, some piano, and I am learning guitar now. Thanks!
We suggest you contact the American Music Therapy Association to connect with music therapists in your area. You won’t qualify for an internship until you are far along in your music therapy program at an AMTA-accredited school, but there should be opportunities to shadow and volunteer to learn more about this wonderful field. Your background in voice, piano and guitar will all serve you well as you must be proficient in all three in order to become accredited as a music therapist. Be sure to read our articles on music therapy!
I am a 25 year old classical pianist from Southern California- I am enrolled at the Juilliard school for the fall for my Master’s Degree. I was given a generous scholarship of 20,000 dollars but am still looking for more funds to help with the cost of tuition which totals approx. 38,000. Not to mention also the living expenses of manhattan! Are there any scholarships or grants out there for which I meet the criteria? I have been looking with limited success so far, although it’s early. Any help would be appreciated!
Kudos on your acceptance! First thing us to go back to Juilliard and courteously ask if there’s any additional financial assistance – including work study options. Ask for housing suggestions – perhaps there are other students they know of who you can explore roommate situations with. You don’t say what area of music you’re studying but we recommend looking at each scholarship on this page to see if you qualify. It may be too late for this year if you do, but deadlines are always coming up so keep track for future years.
Hi, I am 23 years old and I’m from Turkey. This year, I am graduating from Galatasaray University, Istanbul as an Industrial Engineer. Recently I got accepted to Berklee College of Music. My main instrument is piano and my field of studies are going to be Music Production & Engineering and Electronic Production & Design. I was looking for scholarships and sponsorships to help me finance my education. I wanted to ask if you had any suggestions for me to fulfill my dream to build up a career as a musician and a producer. Thank you.
First and foremost, contact Berklee to see if there are scholarships or work/study opportunities they offer. Second, look for any support from companies and non-profit organizations in your hometown that want to see local people thrive in the world of music. Most of the scholarships on MajoringInMusic.com are for American citizens, but look carefully at each one because there are some that are open to students from outside the US.
Hi, I’m an undergraduate student and my major is software engineering. I’ve been playing guitar for few years. I always wanted to study music or guitar. But my parents wanted me to become an engineer. I’m a junior student. I’ve continued 2.5 years with this major by a hard struggle. I looked for scholarships before but couldn’t find any full-free scholarship on music or guitar. So i had to control myself and try to concentrate on my major. But i found it’s not the thing that i want. Music is my passion. I think of music all the day. Can’t concentrate on study. I talked to my parents before. They want me to finish my bachelor first. But i think it’s just a waste of time. I can’t ask my parents to pay me for studying music and it’s also expensive. And they can not afford it. As they’ve already wasted money on me for my last 3 years. I want to choose the right thing before it’s too late. So I really wanted to know if there is any good school that offers full-free scholarships for students who want to study music or guitar?
Jonathan Hill
Hi! My name is Jon and I’m an 18-year-old drum set player. I am currently enrolled at the Berklee College of Music as a Music Education major. I’ve been a student here for one semester and I’m going through my second semester right now. Tuition here is about $30,000 a semester, and if I can’t get any scholarship money, I doubt I will be able to continue my education at Berklee. Are there any scholarships I may be eligible for?
Several scholarships on the list are for current college students. As a drum set player, also look at the Percussive Arts Society scholarships. Have you spoken with your school to ask them for their advice and assistance?
Hello, I’m a high school senior, I play tuba (3 years), piano (2 years), guitar (2 months), however I’m more of a singer (6 years). I was wondering if there are any universities of music in Texas because i don’t want to leave the state, nor do i want to go to a school of conservatory of music, thank you for your time.
I am currently a Junior in High School, and am performing in a selection of bands at my school. I have 5 years experience on brass instruments, a small amount of percussion experience, and on my instrument of choice, the Bassoon, I have 3 years experience. I would love to go to a college or university to further my knowledge of music, but I don’t really know where to start. A career in Composition, Performance/Conducting, or Music Education are fields in music that especially interest me. It’s a dream for me to make a living on a music career, and any help from scholarships of even just guidance would be great. Any ideas on where to start?
You’re smart to check out your various interests. Know that the three areas you mention – composition, performance/conducting, and music education – do not have to be mutually exclusive. Plenty of music educators also conduct as well as compose.
A couple of suggestions: If you’re not currently taking private lessons on the instrument you plan to audition with (bassoon?), you should start as soon as possible. Music schools will look for the kind of proficiency that is difficult to get on your own or through performing with school bands, ensembles, and orchestras.
If you haven’t participated in summer music programs in the areas of music you’re interested in, now is a good time to start researching them. Summer programs give you a chance to immerse yourself in music, discover new interests, meet like-minded musicians, receive training and mentorship from excellent music educators. And have fun! We’ll be posting 2014 summer music camps and programs soon, so come back often to see the options.
My daughter, 15 yrs of age, mezzo soprano, is undergoing vocal training and learning musical theory in private music school in Dubai affiliated to Trinity Guild Hall and passed Gr6 exams with distinction and appearing for Gr7 & 8 in 2014. She had also performed in major roles in high school musicals such as CATS, Wizard of Oz & Phantom of the Opera and recently obtained distinction in Gr6 performing arts. She has been dreaming to pursue a dual degree with vocal music as major and another degree in science or arts. Having sparse knowledge of US conservatories and colleges, we seek your advice going forward to choose the right campus.
There’s a lot to consider for studying as a dual degree or double major. Your daughter, who sounds very talented, needs to find a school that offers her the desired level of proficiency in both vocal music as well as the other field she’s interested in and passionate about. We suggest you both start by reading this article: Dual Degrees, Double Majors, and Music Minors. It will provide a good background for looking ahead. Since the scope of your question is so broad, also consider contacting us to learn about our consulting services.
Hello, I’m 16 years old and am currently a junior in high school with a small background in playing multiple brass instruments and a 3 year background with percussion but would like to work in music production with soundboards and don’t know where to start. I’ve read about “Berklee College of Music” and “Academy of Arts” but I’m not entirely sure on what college and major is right for me?
It sounds like you are interested in learning more about music technology. There are several schools participating on MajoringInMusic.com with these types of programs. A good way to start your search is to check out these schools’ pages on MajoringInMusic.com to see if any sound appealing. Then ask your specific questions on the forms on their pages.
Appalachian State University (Music Industry Studies)
Azusa Pacific University
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music (Recording Arts)
Ithaca College (Sound Recording Technology)
Leeds College of Music (Production)
McNally Smith College of Music (Music Technology, Music Business)
Penn State School of Music (minor in Music Technology)
Syracuse University Setnor School of Music (Music and Entertainment Industries)
Temple University (Music Technology Component)
UC Denver, Music & Entertainment Industries Studies (Recording Arts, Music Business)
University of Oregon (Music Technology)
USC Thornton School of Music (Music Industry)
Be sure to check our Summer Music Camps & Programs page starting in mid-December. Attending a summer program in a field you’re thinking about majoring in and perhaps at a school you might like to attend is a great way to proceed.
I’m currently a sophomore at American University and last semester I added a Music Performance (Percussion) major. I was wondering what scholarships I would be able to apply for. I looked at some of the ones listed above but they all seemed to be either for graduating high school seniors or college freshman. Thanks!
Take a look at two of the Scholarships listed on this page: the Percussive Arts Society and Kerope Zildjian.
Hello, My son will start Berklee School of Music in Januray, majoring in Vocals – I was wondering what scholarships would serve him, if any? Thanks.
The first place to start is with your son’s school itself. Have him check with the financial aid office to find out how they can help. We assume you’ve already applied for FAFSA, work-study, and any loans you and he feel comfortable applying for (see federal aid links on this page). Also read Paying for Music School: Ideas for Cutting Costs, and take a look at the scholarships here on MajoringInMusic.com –– some are specifically for voice majors. Remind your son that additional options including competitions he can apply for may arise as he continues through school.
Hi, I’m an 18 year old who is currently studying in a Singapore high school and taking my GCE A Levels this year, I’m wondering if there are any songwriting scholarships applicable for students outside of the US?
Hello Ryan,
U.S. schools will want you to apply and audition first…and then they’ll consider you along with everyone else for scholarship opportunities. Unless you’re a U.S. citizen, you won’t qualify for any U.S. government-related loans or scholarships. However, the schools with songwriting programs, who are always looking for promising talent to work with, may offer financial support. They will, however, want to see evidence that you can afford your share of tuition etc. Check out the participating schools on MajoringInMusic.com with songwriting programs (start with USC Thornton School of Music, Columbia College Chicago, McNally Smith College of Music, Leeds College of Music), look at their guidelines for international students if that’s you, and let us know what you find out!
Gabby Walker
I’m a Senior in high school and I want to know if there are any scholarships that focus on Vocal Performances because that is want to study in School. I’m also African American so I would like to know if there are any scholarships for that also.
Several of the scholarships listed here are for vocal performance majors –– review the list carefully. The scholarship application information is typically updated in late fall and into early winter, so plan to return to this page often. Also apply for scholarships at the schools you are interested in attending – they offer performance, academic, and other types of scholarships you’ll want to find out about. You can click on any of the schools listed on this page (they’re all participating music schools on MajoringInMusic.com) to learn more.
john carder
My granddaughter is attending college next fall and will get scholarship offers form several colleges. She plays in a rock band and will continue to do so. Are there any restrictions in getting scholarships similar to athletic scholarships that could restrict her getting paid for performing while getting scholarship money?
From what we know, the rules are different in sports because of the governing body overseeing that world. We have never heard of there being a problem with music students and have known many student musicians who have been paid for performing –– it’s a part of their professional education. Her college will hopefully teach her about keeping records, charging for her work, paying taxes, and more to help her become a professional in the music world.
That said, if your granddaughter were to be paid significant amounts of money for performing, she would need to report her income and that would be figured in to renewable scholarships. Note that this is not the norm for a college student unless they end up touring and need to take a break from college – a different story – see this article: Professional Leave.
I am 11 years old and very interested in musical therapy. I go to a special art school in Colorado called Denver School of the Arts for band. One of my teachers did musical therapy and I am very inspired. You might think Im young but I am very enthusiastic. I am looking for some scholarship opportunities in Colorado. Please get back to me soon.
Hi Aden,
We’re delighted to hear that you’re interested in music therapy. And we know your wonderful school (DSA) quite well. In fact, we hope you’ll attend the panel we’re co-hosting on September 10, 2013 at 7 pm at the Dairy Center in Boulder for anyone who’s thinking about majoring in music.
We suggest you learn more about music therapy by reading the articles about this field on MajoringInMusic.com. There are many things you’ll need to do before you’re ready to apply, but the information you find in these will help you prepare. As for scholarships, you’ll need to wait until you’re ready to apply to schools in music therapy. At this point in time, schools consider you for scholarships based on your proficiency on your main instrument, your passion for what you want to study, and, depending on the school, your GPA. For now, we suggest you focus on learning to play piano, as it will serve you in whatever area of music you end up pursuing.
Hi! I’m Brianna. I’m 13 years old and I live in Texas. I’m in a band that has two other members. I sing and I can play the clarinet even though that’s not what I’m looking for. I’ve written about 5 songs by now and my other band members have written some as well. I’m wondering if there’s any scholarships or something that fits my needs. I know I’m young to be looking for scholarships, but I’m planning to go to an art institute or any college I can for music, art, songwriting, writing in general, or photography and I know that my parents won’t be able to pay for it very well. Please reply!
Brianna, it’s so great to hear that at age 13 you’re already a singer/songwriter in a band. And can also play the clarinet (which we assume represents some classical training). Our recommendation to you is to continue to pursue your various artistic passions. As you do, you’ll start zooming in on which area you’re most drawn to. Consider summer programs that let you dive into your areas of interest –– we’ve got a great list on MajoringInMusic.com. Many offer tuition breaks based on financial need. By the time you’re ready to apply to colleges that will help you further your knowledge and skills, you’ll be in a position to apply for their scholarships. At that point, you’ll also want to look at the list of scholarships on MajoringInMusic.com to see what’s available beyond what the individual schools offer.
Cadeau Nguy?n
Hi, I’m Vietnamese. I am 20 years old, had graduated 11 years classical piano major in June last year, now I want to find college scholarships as classical piano major.
I want to study in Korea, or other countries. Please recommend me some schools offering scholarships for Korean classical piano, how to apply for scholarships and how to apply for the school record.
Thanks for contacting MajoringInMusic.com. There appear to be several schools of music (or conservatoires) in Seoul. We are not directly familiar with them, but we assume that, just like in the U.S. and England, you first have to apply and audition and get accepted before they will offer a scholarship. Best wishes to you in finding a school that will work well for you. You can learn about specific schools in the U.S. as well as Leeds College of Music in the UK, by visiting the Music Schools Links section in the top navigation bar on MajoringInMusic.com.
i was wondering if you know of any scholarships given to postgraduate classical flute students who have been accepted to a conservatoire overseas (leeds college of music) that are in need of financial aid help.
Thanks for your question. Since things are different in the U.S. vs. abroad, we’ve asked Leeds to weigh in on this question. Keep checking this page for a response. In the meantime, we assume you’ve already submitted a formal request for a scholarship or teaching assistantship to the school itself. We do hear that in the U.S., there are less T.A. opportunities than in the past. Not sure how this translates over to schools outside the U.S.
Rachael Sutcliffe - Leeds College of Music
Dear Elaine,
Many thanks for your query.
At Leeds College of Music, international students as well as Home and EU students are eligible for our three excellence scholarships. The scholarship takes the form of a partial fee remission of varying amounts, for up to three years subject to annual review.
There are also various forms of support that our Student Fees and Funding team will be able to help you with. You can contact them directly by emailing: studentfunding@lcm.ac.uk
Very best wishes and I look forward to meeting you in September!
I want to be come a music teacher. What should I study? I’m still in highschool and I live in El Salvador (Central America). I still have to study for a few years before graduating, but I am interested in learning about my future now, and I really want to study outside of my third world country.
We assume you are already learning an instrument or are studying voice with a teacher as well as finding opportunities to perform at school and in the community. If you’re not already learning some music theory as well, find a way to do that –– it is very important for studying music after high school as well as for your overall understanding of music. Gain experience working with different age groups. Finding ways to assist music teachers or music programs and observe how others teach. Listen to as many genres of music as you can, attend concerts whenever possible, talk with people who are studying to be music teachers as well as music teachers themselves.
Look at the sponsor schools on MajoringInMusic.com. Click on their Application & Audition links. Look for the International Student Admission Requirements at those schools to get an idea of what you need to do. Each school handles scholarships for international students differently. Note that you will need to apply and audition at any of the schools you are interested in attending, before they will consider you for scholarships. Some schools do send representatives to various Asian countries for auditions although you may need to travel to another Asian country to audition (Bangkok, Thailand for example).
Bigi Ransom
Hi. I am currently doing a Bsc in Maths and computer science and will like to know if i could do a masters in audio engineering after my BSc?
I graduated from college 10 years ago with a bachelor’s degree in Music Performance and Music Education. I’d like to return to school to become a board certified Music Therapist. This will likely take at least 3-4 semesters of additional undergraduate studies. I’ve had a difficult time finding scholarships for students in my situation (holding a BA degree, returning to college for more undergraduate work). Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!
Have you had a chance to read “Music Majors: How to Choose a Music Therapy Program“? There are several comments below the article that address going back for music therapy certification without having to get another bachelor’s degree. Most of the schools with music therapy programs on MajoringInMusic.com do offer these programs. You’d need to ask each school you’re interested in as to whether they can help you find ways of affording their “Degree Equivalency Programs.” Also check the American Music Therapy Association scholarships and the Young Singers Foundation scholarship, both of which are on this scholarship page. See if you qualify.
I’m currently a senior, and having just finished my third year of college and my first year in jazz studies at the University of Northern Colorado, I’ve found a new passion of mine. I switched my major from harp performance to jazz studies in February 2013, and am pursuing a career being one of the few jazz harpists in the world. Because I switched my major so late in my college career, I will need to attend college for at least one more year, and after my fourth year is done, I will be cut off completely from my parents. Are there any scholarships that would benefit a 22 year old’s unique interest in jazz harp?
Jazz Harpist/Pianist
Are there scholarships you can apply for that are offered through UNC? What about the American Harp Society? The International Jazz Harp Foundation? We assume you’ve checked some of the scholarships on this page, but if not, look at Sigma Alpha Iota, Golden Key, JEN, Nat’l. Federation of Music Clubs. We apologize if you’ve already checked some or all of these options.
Can we assume you’ve weighed the pros and cons of graduating with the skills and coursework you already have under your belt, and then gaining the additional skills and practice you need by studying with private teachers and finding ensembles and bands to jam and perform with?
Hi, I am currently a student at Fullsail, and wanted to know if any scholarships are available for production students.
Hi Danielle,
The schools themselves are typically the best source for scholarships. Visit these schools with Music Industry programs on MajoringInMusic.com for starters: Appalachian State, Azusa Pacific, Capital, Columbia College Chicago, Duquesne, Ithaca, Leeds, McNally Smith, Syracuse, Temple, UC Denver MEIS, The Hartt School, USC Thornton School of Music. In addition, Penn State and CU Boulder College of Music have music industry minor or certificate programs.
Get a personal response from any of these that you’re interested in, by filling out the forms on their pages under Music School Links in the top navigation bar.
And let us know how else we can be helpful.
Best wishes!
Hi there I’m Michael Frederick, will be a junior next year and I plan on going to college to major in vocal music! I was wondering if there is any chance I could get help with finding a good college and help with tuition…….please answer back to me soon THANX for your concern:)
Hi Michael,
Great to hear that you’re serious about pursuing vocal music at college. Have you read ABCs of Voice Degrees here on MajoringInMusic.com?
Before you plunge headlong into looking at all the possible schools that offer good voice programs (and there are MANY of them), take some time to consider the broader picture.
What kind of school fits you? Are there specific professors you know who you’d like to study with? Will you stay in your home town for college or are you interested in going wherever there’s a good program that you connect with and can afford to attend?
By answering these and other questions first, you will be able to narrow your focus and find schools that make sense. Check out articles in the Student Choices section on MajoringInMusic.com, especially Why You Need a Musical Mentor, Tips for Visiting Music Schools, and How to Choose a Music School.
These articles will answer many of your questions and provide you with the kind of food for thought that will really help guide you.
Then, look at the schools offering information on MajoringInMusic.com. Look at their scholarship/tuition information. Ask them questions right on the form on their page. Perhaps one or more of these schools will fit your criteria. If not, the
sleuth work you do to figure this out will definitely help steer you in the right direction.
You’re smart to start this exploration now!
Hi! I’m Joshua, 22yrs of age. I’m a self taught musician… play the violin, piano etc. I also do composition as I have been able to write a number of songs, violin solos, and chamber music. I’ve also been able to obtain some graded music theory certificates from the Music Society of Nigeria and theory Music Literacy certificate from Trinity GuildHall London… presently preparing for my theory grade 7 at Trinity GuildHall. I’ve been teaching in schools for close to 5 yrs now trying to raise money to further my music with little success due to the fact that I just concluded an Accounting Diploma course. I don’t know if it’s possible to get a kind of scholarship to further my music. I really believe I can do more but at this point I need a helping hand to achieve my dream of becoming a musicologist. Thank you.
Hi Joshua,
The larger scholarships typically come from the schools themselves. They’re typically given to students who show high level talent in their auditions, as well as the capacity to benefit from the school programs. You can read their scholarship pages to see whether they’re offered to international students and what the criteria are for getting those scholarships. Start by checking the schools on MajoringInMusic.com –– and then view their scholarship information right on this page. Also read responses to other comments on this page for additional guidance.
If you’re taking your Trinity Guild Hall exams in London, you should check out Leeds College.
If a degree isn’t as important as expanding your skills and knowledge, you may want to research online composition classes instead of a 2- or 4-year degree program. You sound multi-talented and persevering. Don’t give up on your dreams!
Hi! I’ve been accepted late to the Eastman school of music, and I wasn’t expecting to get in so now I’m scrambling for a way to make the money work for it. I will be getting a master’s degree in viola performance. Most scholarships are for high schoolers and undergraduates it seems. I’m hoping there are some grad school scholarships available with late deadlines but I don’t see any on this list. I would love whatever advice you have!
Hi Nicole,
First of all, congratulations on your acceptance! This is exciting news!
On the flip side, it’s tough to be accepted and then be stuck around the finances of it all. Grad students typically rely on the departments that accept them for financial assistance. We assume you’ve already discussed the financial aspect of attending with the appropriate folks there (financial aid, graduate admissions, the department/teacher where you’d be studying). How supportive is the school regarding your circumstances? Did you receive other acceptances that you can leverage to raise whatever award they’ve already given you? Are awards for grad students still available? If not for your first semester, what about the second? Work/study options? Connections to community opportunities where you could find some paying work?
Hello! I am approaching my senior year in high school, and I’m a hip hop artist. I was curious if there are any scholarships that I could apply for in order to help me with college tuition.
Hi Bryan,
We’ll send you’re request to the Sponsoring Schools on MajoringInMusic.com that may have programs with a focus on hip hop.
Thanks for your comment!
My son is 21 years old, a senior in college, piano music major and he will graduate in May 13. He has auditioned, interviewed and been accepted for graduates studies at Westminster, Princeton, NJ and a couple of other schools. I know Westminster is his first choice and I would love for him to attend there but the cost is an issue. I would really appreciate any advice or recommendations for trustworthy sites for graduate students grants and/or scholarships for music.
Congratulations to your son on his admission to his first-choice graduate school! And we know how hard it is to be accepted but not necessarily be able to afford it. We assume he’s checked the list of scholarships here on MajoringInMusic.com –– several are for current students, grad students, and young professionals.
We also assume your son has talked with Westminster’s graduate admission folks and the financial aid office there. To help defray costs, grad students are often offered teaching or research positions at the schools they’re accepted to. If the school is not offering enough assistance in his first year, does he have a good chance of receiving more in his second? Does the Career Development Office at Westminster have a job bank or job postings for grad students ––local opportunities to teach or accompany at schools, churches, temples, regional theaters, etc? Performance opportunities at weddings, company events, etc.? Another option is to look at the scholarships offered by professional organizations he currently belongs to or could join.
Let us know what else you find!
Bruce Rubin
If any University music recruiters read this, I have a question for you. My family comes from a long tradition of musicians. My Grandfather was a famous Opera teacher in Chicago from the turn of the Century to the 50’s ( Alexander Nakutin) and have had some famous musicians in my family tree (The pianist Mischa Kottler). I also earned a degree in guitar many years ago. I have a daughter who has that extra talent spark and I do not know what to do for her. She is presently at USF and this school basically gutted its Opera program as she walked in the door. They have one awesome teacher I believe his name is Dr Bass. My daughter switched studios from another instructor and he decided to work with a Grad student and the first teacher has been somewhat retaliatory, at least from her perception, and has upset her to the point she is just going to go into journalism. Anyone have any ideas what to do with this kid, email me. It would be a waste to watch her do something else with her future.
You sound very dissatisfied with what’s going on at USF. How does your daughter feel about her education there? Is she equally unhappy?
It’s hard to be a parent and watch your obviously very talented daughter not receiving the kind of education and support you’d like to see her getting. Yet, now that she is a college student, is she taking a proactive role in getting the guidance she needs concerning how to proceed? Has she exhausted the resources at USF for good advisement? If so, it’s time to look for outside assistance. Are there independent advisers, previous teachers, or mentors who could help guide her and look at options?
We do offer private consultation should you or your daughter (or both) wish to explore that option with us. Send us an email if you are interested. Otherwise, we wish you both well as she takes that very difficult step in altering her vision while making choices and decisions for how she pursues her college education.
She tried out for Hartt and was given a very good scholarship
thank for your reply
Delighted to hear this! Thanks for letting us know!
Santiago Hernández
Good morning to you all,
I work on FILARMONICA JOVEN DE COLOMBIA (Colombian Youth Philharmonic), a social program in Colombia, South America, destined to make life proyects in music possible.
The members of the orchestra are 16-24 years old, and all of them are studying in different colombian universities their major in music. They were selected after a long audition process, judged by an international faculty, making sure that the best young musicians of the country are the members of the orchestra.
Most of them are part of very low income families and are interested on international graduate programs, but they do no have the necessary funds to make it.
Do you know where should i refer to have information about possible scolarships for the members?
Thank you for reading, and any kind of answer that you give me will really help the social program that we are developing with FILARMONICA JOVEN DE COLOMBIA.
What wonderful work you are doing with Filarmonica Joven De Columbia! And what an exciting program.
As for graduate education and financial support for your orchestra members, our suggestion is to have students review admission and scholarship criteria at the schools they’re interested in attending. Scholarships tend to be more plentiful for graduate students, depending on their level of talent. Also check out the Federal Student AId for Non-U.S. Citizens on this page.
Best wishes to you, your program, and your students!
Raul Ontiveros
Im a jazz trombonist, and need assistance in the financial category. Are there any scholarships for Northern California Students? I am planning attending CSU Stanislaus as a incoming freshman
We’ve put some feelers out to trombone organizations to find out if they know anything about trombone-specific scholarships. To learn about competitions that offer prizes, visit the International Trombone Guild’s Youth section.
We encourage you to talk directly to the folks at CSU Stanislaus and any other school that offers a program you’re interested in. They will know best about their own scholarship opportunities. Be sure to visit their websites first, however, so they don’t have to repeat what’s already there.
Remember to also see FAFSA for government-sponsored student aid. And check out other responses to comments on this page –– some may be relevant to you.
Also visit our Summer Camps & Programs page to learn about University of Redlands Pokorny Low Brass Seminar.
Jamie Amadasun
Are there music scholarships for adopted african americans, african american classical vocalist, or anything for african americans and minorities?
This scholarship section for prospective and current music majors is up-to-date and as exhaustive as possible. Read it thoroughly and then click on the links of any of the scholarships that may be useful to you. Also look at the list of schools and click on any that offer what you want to study (which sounds like voice). You’ll need to do some investigating to find out their criteria for scholarships. But each one has an email/phone that you can use to get specific information.
Also check out any scholarships offered by the state you live in, by the city where you live, by your family’s workplace. Read “Paying for Music School” by clicking on the link on this page.
Remember to check out FAFSA – pay close attention to their deadlines. Some of their rules have just changed, so be sure to click on the link in the above article to learn more.
ratna sari dewi
Hi, i’m Indonesian.. i play piano.
i would really like to expand my skill and knowledge in jazz music..
i’ve worked to save money but it isn’t enough to study abroad.
Also,i’m 25 yr old now..
Musical background :
i’ve finished my study in music contemporary at a Music Institute in Indonesia.
Gr5 theory and practice ABRSM. (for classical)
perform in Java Jazz 2012, etc..
the first winner in Asean Beat vs Tokyo band sumit 2009.
i wonder if it is still possible to apply for scholarship.. please help
We recommend that you look at schools where you’d like to study. Then contact them to see what kind of scholarships they offer. How strong of a musician are you? That, as well as your proven financial need, will play heavily in their decision to offer you a spot in their schools as well as scholarship money.
But don’t stop there. What kind of support can you get from the area where you live? Are there organizations or programs that offer financial support to study the arts? Getting scholarship money takes research, and often you have to cobble together a variety of options in order to afford school. Also consider online programs – they may be more cost-effective for what you want to do.
You don’t say whether you already have an undergraduate degree, but if you do, you can also look into certificate programs that many music schools offer – these vary from school to school, are usually performance and private lesson-oriented, and can provide additional education for professional musicians as well as additional credentials.
Fernando Chavez
I am a mexican immigrant that is trying to persue a career in audio production. I have applied to Miami International University of arts & design. I have very big Dreams. My gpa isnt the best. I dont meet the 3.3 gpa that most scholorships require. I have showed great potential in my art skills and music skills. Some of my art has been in national compititions. I believe that art and music are my way of expressing my creativity. I would like to know if i could be eligable for any scholorshisps?
Hi Fernando,
Are you pursuing art or music in college? We can’t tell from your comment, and our focus is music.
But here’s some general advice: Apply to a few schools, instead of just one, to have the best chance of being accepted. Any school you’re applying to will want to see what you can do, and admission as well as scholarships from the schools themselves will depend on a combination of your current talent, how much the schools feel they can help you grow your skills and talent as a student, and your financial need.
Some schools don’t focus as much on GPA but more on your artistic ability. If your GPA is low, you’ll want to look for those schools rather than the academically-demanding ones.
Also look at the response to Ratna Sari Dewi, below, for additional and relevant advice about scholarships.
I’m a candidate for graduation for my bachelors of music in music education here in Asia and im a green card holder.. Im planning to pursue another degree there in the US after graduation like piano performance and music therapy but the schools there requires very high GWA.
Im looking for good schools but all seem to have these high standards when it comes to GWA . Even certification in music therapy has high standards about the GWA its almost the same as graduate school.
Can you help me find a school that fits for me? A music therapy school or a grad school in music education..
But basically i will try to pass applications to different schools like university of the pacific etc. i just want to have backup plan when those rejection letter come.. Thank you so much! God bless!
Hi John,
It sounds like you need to clarify what it is that you want to do with your music degree. Consider taking some time after you graduate with your bachelor’s degree, to get a job or to volunteer in settings that allow you to explore both teaching and music therapy. Especially on the graduate level, the schools will take into consideration your reasons for wanting a graduate degree and how you think the graduate degree will serve you in your career. The better you think this out before you apply, and the more experience you have that confirms your interests, the better chance you’ll have of being accepted into a graduate program.
If you decide that music therapy is what you want to do in your career, check this out: How to Choose a Music Therapy Program. Be sure to also read the comments after the article. A number of excellent schools with music therapy programs are listed in the sidebar.
Best wishes!
Spencer Lukasik
Hi, I am currently a sophomore at Cedar Ridge high school in Round Rock, Texas. I have lived in Texas all my life, and through experience I have seen some of the competitiveness here and have taken up the challenge. I am the only student at my school to be in both the band and orchestra, playing two completely different instruments. I write orchestral pieces in my free time. Music is my passion, and more than anything I want to make it a career, but I am so worried about going to college. We don’t have very much money to begin with, and I don’t know if I can even go without a scholarship. I am open to almost every music-based college out there, as long as I can keep doing what I love. I am wondering if there is any way to get a scholarship based on musical performance (such as the Texas Regional competition) or based on versatility. I just need an idea of a path I should go, because the college experience and planning is overwhelming.
You’re smart to start thinking about this as a sophomore! Depending on how strong of a musician you are, you may be able to get scholarship money from the schools you apply to. But it also helps to
scout out other kinds of scholarships that you may be able to get from community organizations, religious organizations, local companies, credit unions, parent places of employment, as well as through competitions.
Check with your high school counseling office to see if they maintain a list of scholarships that students at your high school can apply for. Also take a look at FAFSA’s site (federal aid for students) at fafsa.ed.gov.
If you haven’t yet combed the MajoringInMusic.com list of scholarships, we suggest you start now. The list keeps changing and growing, so visit often.
I am a South African student in my final year of high school and I would like to study composition specifically for film, tv and games. I’m searching for promising overseas scholarships as my parents are Not willing to support me if I choose to study music.
Musical background:
Classical Piano Gr 6 Unisa, enrolled for Gr 7 Unisa
Jazz Piano enrolled for Gr 5 Unisa
Grade 5 Theory Unisa, enrolled for Gr 7 Royal Schools
Additional: Gr 2 Viola Royal Schools, enrolled for Gr 3 Royal Schools and I sing in 2 choirs.
I’m open to any suggestions USA or England.
Thank You!
Hi Denise,
Two suggestions:
1. Check out the “Sponsoring Schools” with their own pages on MajoringInMusic.com. Several of them have the type of composition program you’re interested in. Use the form on each school’s page to ask specific questions about their programs and scholarship opportunities. They promise to respond!
2. Read some of the “Answers for Parents” articles on MajoringInMusic.com (under “Student Choices” in the navigation bar). These should give you some good ideas about how to talk with your parents about majoring in music. Find out what your parents’ concerns are. You may have to help them understand why you are wanting to study the area of music you mention, and your thoughts on career options. Then have them read some of these articles as well. Hopefully they’ll be impressed by your research, your patience with them, as well as your dedication to learning what it takes to move forward in music.
Don’t give up!
I am a sophomore studying Music Education (instrumental concentration) at Texas Wesleyan University. I am a member of the National Honorary Band Fraternity, Kappa Kappa Psi. I’m looking for a possible scholarship or grant so that my chapter can buy lockers for the wind ensemble members at the school. The few we have are outdated and the larger instruments such as low brass are having to be placed in offices. Any suggestions?
Hi Haley,
The scholarships we post are for individuals planning on majoring in music or already in music school and needing additional financial support.
I assume you and your chapter have explored all of the Kappa Kappa Psi award options as well as spoken with administrators at Texas Wesleyan, since the school will benefit ongoingly from the lockers. Have you considered Texas Wesleyan alums who might be interested in supporting your efforts, or local businesses that benefit from band activities? Another option is creating a Kickstarter campaign – these can be wonderfully successful.
Good luck!
Hi! My name is Jose and I am a recent grad student from Puerto Rico. I would like to do a post-graduate degree in conducting. Do you know any scholarships that can get to help me fulfill my dream? Thanks!
Hi Jose,
Check each school you’re interested in — start by looking at our list of Sponsoring Schools – each lists tuition, financial aid, and scholarship information on MajoringInMusic.com. Fill out the inquiry form on each school’s page on MajoringInMusic.com and ask your questions directly to the schools once you’ve looked at their scholarships.
Note that if you are also a composer, the BMI Foundation offers annual Student Composer Awards. You can check them out on MajoringInMusic.com’s scholarship page under BMI Foundation.
Let us know how you do!
Hello, I’m a current freshman at Berklee College of music and I’m having trouble with money. A lot of trouble. I fill out scholarships but I never get approved. Is there any scholarships for songwriting and singing. I’m a songwriter, I play piano and I sing. I’m majoring in songwriting and music business (dual major) help? please?
Have you looked at the scholarships on MajoringInMusic.com to see if any are relevant for you to apply for? Have you looked at all of the scholarships your school offers and determined if there are any that you can apply for as a current student?
Talk with your school about what you need in order to continue on there. Hopefully, they’ll want to work with you to help keep you there. Are there work/study options? Does the career center know of any relevant jobs or paid internships you can apply for?
Check the Summer Music Camps & Programs page on MajoringInMusic.com – some of these programs hire college music majors. We’ll continue to add to the list, so keep checking!
Rasheed akeem
Is there any scholarship for an ‘o level’ certificate/secondary school, to study theory of music in any of the schools?
A good understanding of music theory is the gateway to so many aspects of music, including performance (as an individual and in ensembles, etc.), to improvisation, to music history. Community colleges, community music schools, summer music programs, universities with music schools and music departments offer music theory courses.
Take a look at the schools listed as “Sponsoring Schools” on the homepage of MajoringInMusic.com, and see if any of these are in your area. Then contact them through their inquiry forms to ask your specific questions about studying music theory there. Note that some of the schools also offer music theory online.
And do check Professor Joel Clifft’s articles, “Making It Through Music Theory, Part 1 and Part 2.”
Hey I am Michelle. I write and sing songs and need help to nurture my talent. Help me get a scholarship. Am from Kenya, please.reply.
Hi Michelle,
You sent the above comment to MajoringInMusic.com. You sound like a singer/songwriter. Do you want to go to college in the US or England to learn more? Have you had voice training? Have you studied music theory?
If you can answer the above questions and also let us know your age and what type of music you are interested in studying, we may be more helpful.
In the meantime, look at the schools that list their information on MajoringInMusic.com, and look at their financial aid and scholarship information. This should help you get started. Once you do this, let me know what questions you have.
With best regards!
Tony Wargo
I want to return to school to earn a Bachelor’s degree in percussion. I have already earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business so I am ineligible for grants. I am also 33 years old. What scholarship/funding options exist for someone in my situation other than loans?
Hi Tony,
Each school has its own bank of scholarship opportunities, and those are typically given based on merit and/or need. We checked with one school, the University of North Texas College of Music, and were told by Raymond Rowell, assistant dean for Scholarships and External Affairs, that age is not a consideration and that their “scholarships are competitive, merit-based awards determined by the appropriate area faculty scholarship committee on the basis of talent and professional promise.”
You don’t indicate what genre of music you want to study – there are often major-specific scholarships granted within music departments, schools and colleges.
We suggest that you look at all the schools that have their own pages on MajoringInMusic.com, to help you learn about them quickly and easily. (Find them under “Music School Sponsors” on the homepage, or under “Music School Links” on the top navigation bar of every page.)
Which schools offer what you want to study? Who is teaching in your area of interest at each of those schools? What are their application and audition criteria/
Once you find schools that seem like a good fit, ask your specific questions to each of them by filing out the inquiry forms on their page on MajoringInMusic.com. They’ve promised to get back in touch. There may be a delay because of the holidays but you will definitely hear back from them.
Ajayi adedayo
Hi, I’m a Nigerian and I want to ask if any of these schools have any scholarship plans for African students who want to study music.
Hello Ajayi,
You don’t specify how much musical background you have, or what area of music you want to study. So our best suggestion is to look at the schools that have their own pages on MajoringInMusic.com — they’re all visible on the homepage under “Music School Sponsors” as well as in the top navigation bar on every page under “Music School Links.”
Find out everything you can about the schools that look like they could be a good fit for what you want to study. Then go ahead and fill out the inquiry forms on each school’s page on MajoringInMusic.com. Ask them your questions, including questions about scholarships. Know that each school on MajoringInMiusic.com is committed to getting back in touch with you.
Also be sure to check out the rest of the scholarship opportunities on MajoringInMusic.com.
Best wishes in your search!
Eun Go
Hi, I am an exchange student from South Korea, and my major is Performance (piano).
I’m planning to go to one of these colleges ( Peabody, New England Conservatory, Curtis, West Chester University, Penn State).
Is there any way I can get a scholarship? The average tuition fee is about $40,000 or above, and I know that my parents can’t pay that much.
Hello Eun Go,
Thanks for your inquiry regarding scholarships. Each school has its own method of selecting students for scholarships, so I suggest you review each school’s website.
One of our sponsors has made it easy for you to learn more about them right here on MajoringInMusic.com at this link: Penn State School of Music. Be sure to flll out the inquiry form on their page, with any of your specific questions –– they’ll respond to you with helpful answers.
Best wishes in your search for an affordable music school.